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Doing Business with the SHA

Doing Business with the SHA

To accomplish its mission to promote adequate, affordable housing, and economic opportunities, it is imperative that the Springfield Housing Authority works with vendors that can deliver the highest quality of goods and services at the best value. It is the policy and practice of the SHA Procurement division to afford qualified vendors maximum opportunity to participate in contracting opportunities. The results are the procurement of quality goods and services in a fair, open, competitive and respectful process for everyone involved.

The SHA procures a wide range of goods and services which includes but is not limited to the following: office and facilities materials and supplies, architectural design services, construction services, legal services and insurance services.

  • Springfield Housing Authority Procurement Policy

Download Policy

Helpful Links
  • Register as a Vendor: Become a registered vendor to receive email notifications when new solicitations are posted that match your industry.


  • Capital Projects: Information about contracting with the SHA on capital projects, including but not limited to design and architectural services and major construction and renovation projects.

View List

  • Goods & Services: Information about contracting opportunities with the SHA for goods and services.

Learn More

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